«Dictionnaire Infernal» Коллена де Планси (издание 1818 г. содержало 582 страницы). Специально для словаря Louis Breton создал 69 иллюстраций демонов.

File 056

Демоны Инфернального (адского) словаря Коллена де Планси

Словарь пользовался успехом из за большого количества  иллюстраций. На демонов можно было посмотреть, а не только прочитать их описание.
Демон Астарот считался великим герцогом преисподней, но молва приписывала ему адскую вонь. Вызывающий его, даже использовал амулеты, ограждающие от запаха. Ему приписывали предсказание будущего.
Тем же самым предсказанием будущего и видением прошлого обладал демон Оробас.
Демон Бегемот – был демоном чревоугодия.
Если маг хотел изучить все языки, он вызывал демона Ронве.
Если нужно было кого нибудь убить то вызывали демона Юринома. Этот демон считался принцем смерти у Сатаны и когда не убивал, поедал падаль.
В словарь, также были включены представители нечисти других стран. Наряду с непонятными и сейчас уже забытыми демонами мы найдем у Колена де Планси индийскую богиню смерти Кали и Ламию, как ливийская богиню, убивающая детей. Отрадно, что Россия также не забыта и представлена таким персонажем, как Леший
Как и любая книга,  словарь отражал воззрения автора того времени. Люди верили в свою беспомощность и всесильность демонов. Чтобы достигнуть очень быстро чего нибудь,  было достаточно вызвать демона и приказать ему, но и расплата за неправильный вызов была огромна – маг сходил с ума или умирал.
Инфернальный словарь Колена де Планси не был практическим руководством по вызову демонов. Словарь описывал персонажей суеверий и верований, демонов, которые помогали обрести власть и могущество и демонов являющихся символом пороков общества. Таких изданий сейчас выпускается очень много. Это разнообразные энциклопедии фантастических существ. Но так уж случилось, что современников больше интересуют разного рода виды драконы, чем какие то демоны средневековья.

Перечень 64 демонов описанных в «Dictionnaire Infernal» Коллена де Планси.
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Домашнее задание.
  1. Какое назначение у инфернального  словаря Колена де Планси?  – 10 баллов.
  2. Приведите описание одного из 64 демонов, упомянутых выше (поиск в интернете)  – 10 баллов.
  3. Сделайте перевод с английского языка на русский,  описание любого демона из приложения  – 10 баллов.


Тема реферата:

Средневековые демоны помогающие обрести взаимность в любви.

Приложение. Dictionnaire Infernal (Demonographia)

Компиляция на английском языке, дающая общее представление о содержание инфернального словаря. Иллюстрации собраны из разных источников.

Text Description:
Louis Breton created a set of 69 illustrations of demons, which were then engraved by M. Jarrault. J.A.S. Collin de Plancy then published the set with brief descriptions in his book "Dictionnaire Infernal." The book was published in French thoughout the 1800s in several editions.

Many of these demon illustrations were republished in S. L. MacGregor Mathers' The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon, though some were left out. Also, 5 of the engravings weren't of demons, so I'm choosing not to include them here.

All of these are cross-referenced (cf) to their longer descriptions somewhere else in the site, as de Plancy's descriptions aren't very long - they also aren't exact translations, as I've condensed most of them further to make them more readable and to avoid plagarizing the newer English translation of the text (Trident Books, 1999).
Ниже приведены описание 64 демонов с рисунками из Инфернального словаря.


Abigor presents himself as a horseman carrying a lance, a standard, or a scepter. He commands sixty legions & is a grand duke of hell. He knows of the secrets of warfare, of the future, and can instruct leaders of the ways to earn their soldiers' respect.


The name Abraxas was taken from abra-cadabra. He is presented on amulets with the head of a cock, dragon's feet and a whip in his hand. Later, he is recorded as having the head of a king and demon's feet. He was seen by the Basilidians, a group of twelfth century heretics) as the supreme god because the Greek letters that formed his name added up to 365, the number of days in a year. The Basilidians also claimed that Abraxas sent Jesus Christ to earth in the form of a benevolent spirit.


Adramelech was a high chancellor of hell and president of the high council of devils. He can sometimes appear with a mule or a peacock. It is said that the people of the city of Sepharvaim, the city of the Assyrians, sacrificed children to him.


Aguares, of the order of the virtues who governs thirty-one legions, appears riding a crocodile and carrying a sparrowhawk. He is said to make deserters return and can cause enemies to flee. He can exalt people, teach all languages, and make the earth spirits dance.


Alastor is known to Zoroaster as the "executioner," and to Origin as Azazel. In the infernal hierarchy, he is the Nemesis. The ancients called evil spirits "alastores." Plutarch says that Cicero hated Augustus so much that he conceived of a plan to kill himself outside Augustus' foyer, in order to become his alastor.


Alocer commands thirty-six legions. He dresses as a knight and rides a horse. His face is characteristic of a lion, with an inflamed complexion and fervent eyes. He is said to teach astronomy and liberal arts.


Amduscias governs twenty-nine legions. His true form is as a unicorn, but appears as human form when summoned. He will give concerts if commanded, & is accompanied by the sound of trumpets and other musical instruments. Trees also bend to his command.


Amon, who commands forty legions, can appear in the form of a wolf with a serpent's tail and vomiting flames. In human form, he has the head of an owl and his beak shows canine teeth. He was the supreme diety of the Egyptians, who had blue skin in human form. Amon can tell of the past and the future, and reconcile the differences between friends.


Andras, who commands thirty legions, has the body of an angel and the head of an owl. He rides a black wolf and carries a saber. He can give advice on how to kill, and he can escalate quarrels and discord.


likely originated from the Persian Aeshma-deva ("demon of wrath").
The apocryphal Book of Tobit describes an instance where Raguel's daughter, Sarah, was tormented by the demon. She was married to seven times, each time the Asmodeus killed off the husband before they could have intercourse. Sarah, was about to hang herself in grief, but decided against it after thinking about the shame it would cause her father. She then prayed to God for death.
God answered her prayer by sending the angel, Raphael, to her aid. He instructed Tobiah to place fish liver and heart on the embers for incense. Asmodeus was repelled by the odor:
"The demon, repelled by the odor of the fish, fled into Upper Egypt; Raphael pursued him there and bound him hand and foot." - Book of Tobit 8:3

In the Testament of Solomon (dated 1st - 3rd centuries CE) , Solomon invokes Asmodeus to aid in the construction of the Temple. The demon appears and predicts Solomon's kingdom will one day be divided.
"My constellation (is like an animal which) reclines in its den in heaven; some men call me the Great Bear, but others the Offspring of a Dragon. Moreover, a smaller constellation accompanies my constellation, for the high position and throne of my father is always in the sky. So do not ask me so many things, Solomon, for eventually your kingdom will be divided. This glory of yours is temporary. You have us to torture for a little while; then we shall disperse among human beings again with the result that we shall be worshiped as gods because men do not know the names of the angels who rule over us." - Testament of Solomon 5:4-5
After Asmodeus had spoken, Solomon ordered him to state his name and activities, to which the demon responded that he:
"Is always hatching plots against newlyweds; I mar the beauty of virgins and cause their hearts to grow cold"
- Testament of Solomon 5:7
When Solomon interrogated Asmodeus further, he learned that Asmodeus was thwarted by the angel, Raphael, as well as sheatfish found in the rivers of Assyria. He also admitted he hated water.


Астарот появляется как уродливый ангел, едущий на драконе и держащий гадюку в его левой руке.Считается, что этот мощный великий герцог осуществляет контроль над 40 легионами, возможно по Востоку и - казначей ада. Сидонианс и Флистинес поклонялись ему в прошлом. Источник упоминает, что он знает о прошлых и будущих событиях, секретных вещах, гуманитарных науках, и истории создания и падения ангелов. Он также полагает, что он получил несправедливое наказание. Некоторые маги говорят, что он обеспечивает доброжелательность больших лордов и может быть вызван в среду. Он, как говорят, испускает мощный зловонный запах, и вынося это, маг должен держать серебряное волшебное кольцо, которое предотвращает запахи под его носом. Астарот  процитирован как один из семи принцев ада, которые посетили Фауста, появляясь как змея с цветным хвостом, двумя маленькими ногами, каштановой шеей, и спинными хребтами, подобными ежу, который может расти к длине пальца. Как его женская копия, Астарта, он изображается с головой телки.

(Перевод Мириэль)



Azazel is guardian of goats. On the 10th day of September, on the feast of the Expiation, it was Jewish custom to draw lots for two goats: one for the Lord and the other for Azazel. The goat for the Lord was then sacrificed and its blood served as atonement. With the goat for Azazel, the high priest would place both of his hands on the goat's head and confess both his sins and the sins of the people. The goat ("scapegoate") was then led into the desert and set free. Azazel then returned the goat. Milton described Azazel as the first gate-teacher of the infernal armies. Azazel is also the name of the demon that serves Mark the heretic.


According to the le Grand Grimoire, Bael is the head of the infernal powers. He is also the first demon listed in Wierus' Pseudomonarchia daemonum. According to Wierus, Bael is first king of hell with estates in the East. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility, and may be the equivalent of Baal.


Balan, who commands 40 legions, is presented with a serpent's tail, eyes that shoot fire, and three heads: a bull, a man, and a ram. He is usually shown carrying a sparrowhawk on his wrist and riding nude and horned upon a bear. His voice is hoarse and harsh. Balan can tell of past/present/future events, teaches cunning, finesse, and the easy way to see without being seen. He was once in the heavenly order.


Barbatos appears as a horned archer or hunter in the woods with four kings sounding horns before him. He is similar to Robin of the Woods or Jack in the Green. Once of the order of the virtues of heaven, he now commands 30 legions. Barbatos teaches how to decipher what animals speak of, knows of buried treasures, can reconcile disagreements between friends, and knows of past and future


Behemoth rules over the domain of gluttony, and is said to be butler and high cupbearer of hell. Bodin thought he was the Egyptian Pharaoh who persecuted the Israelites. There are disagreements about his appearance throughout commentaries. Some say he appears as a whale or elephant. Others believe he is a species that no longer exists. Urbain Brandier wrote that he was definitely a demon, whereas Delancre sees him as a monstrous animal, who can disguise himself as a dog, elephant, fox, or wolf. The Book of Job describes him as a monstrous creature. Behemoth is not listed in Wierus' hierarchy of demons, though Wierus does admit that Behemoth could be Satan himself.
It is also said that in reference to Chap 40 of Job, that rabbis make him a great roast on the festival of their Messiah because he can eat as much hay as beef. They make the roast large enough so that Behemoth must gobble up the hay of a thousand mountains a day, which he has eaten since the beginning of the world. He never leaves these mountains, for if he did, time would be disrupted. The rabbis also claim that God killed the female of the species so that they could never reproduce.


Known as the demon of discoveries and of ingenious inventions, Belphegor is said to appear as a young girl and to give wealth. He was worshipped by the Moabites as Baalphegor on Mount Phegor. Some rabbis claim that he must be worshipped on a toilet, with offerings being the residue of ones' digestion. This has led some to conclude that Belphegor is the god Pet (Fart) or "Crepitus," while others believe that he is Praipus. Selden is cited by Bainier as reporting that human victims are to be offered to him, and that his priests partake of the flesh. Wierus wrote that he always has an open mouth, attributing it to the name Phegor, which according to Leloyer means "crevice" or "split," and refers to when he was worshipped in caves and people threw him offerings through an air hole.


Belzebuth (aka Belzebub, Beelzebuth), whose name means "lord of the flies" is prince of demons according to the Scriptures. Milton calls him foremost in power & crime after Satan, and most demonographers call him supreme chief of hell. Bodin claims he is no longer seen in his temple. Belzebub was the god of the Canaanites, who represented him with the figure of a fly or with attributes of a sovereign power. He was known to give oracles, as King Ochozias was reprimanded by Elijah for consulting him. Belzebuth is also known to rid harvests of flies.
Demonologists present him in different ways. Milton said he was imposing with a wise face. Some say he is as high as a tower or of similar size to us. Some say he has the figure of a snake with feminine traits.
Palingene wrote in Zodiaco vitae that as the monarch of hell, was of a prodigious size with a swollen chest & a bloated face with flashing eyes and raised eyebrows. He also gives a menacing aura & sits on a throne surrounded by fire. He is black as a Moor, with large nostrils and 2 horns on his head. He has 2 bat-like wings attached to his shoulders, 2 duck feet, a lion's tail, and is covered from head to foot in shaggy fur.
Porphyrus confused Belzebuth with Baccas, while others say Priapus is greater. Others claim he is associated with the Slavic god Belbog or Belbach (white god), because his images were always covered in flies, like Belzebuth among the Syrians. Sometimes he was associated with Pluto, or possibly identified with Bael, whom Wierus made emperor of hell. The name Belzebuth is not found in Wierus' infernal monarchy.
In Solomon's Clavicules, Belzebuth appeared as an enormous calf or a goat with a long tail, but with the face of a fly. Belzebuth appeared to Faust 'dressed like a bee and with two dreadful ears and his hair painted in all colors with a dragon's tail.' The Marechal of Retz described him as a leopard. He breathed fire and howled like a wolf when angry. Sometimes Astaroth appears with him in the form of an ass.


According to the le Grand Grimoire, Bael is the head of the infernal powers. He is also the first demon listed in Wierus' Pseudomonarchia daemonum. According to Wierus, Bael is first king of hell with estates in the East. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility, and may be the equivalent of Baal.


Beyrevra is an India demon with long and crooked nails. He watches over the souls who wander in the changed space of the aerial demons. It is said that when Brahma had insulted a superior god, Beyrevra punished him by cutting off one of his heads with his nail. This humiliated Brahma, who then asked the god Eswara for forgiveness & was promised that he would be no less respected with 4 heads than he was with 5.


Buer is a president of hell and a demon of the second order who commands 50 legions. His form is that of a five-branched star or wheel, and he moves by rolling himself. Buer teaches philosophy, logic, and herbal medicine He is also skilled in curing the sick and giving good servants.


Caacrinolaas (aka Caassimolar, Glassia-labolas) is a high president of hell who commands 36 legions. He appears as a dog with griffin wings. He teaches liberal arts, inspires murder, makes men invisible, and predicts the future. In the Great Grimoire, he is called Classyalabolas, a sergeant sometimes mounted to Nebiros or Naberus.


As queen of the demons and sultana of the Indian hell, Cali is completely black and wears a collar of golden skulls. In older times, she was offered human victims.
Богиня Кали из Индии.

Caym (Camio)

Рисунок из Pseudomonarchia daemonum - Johann Wier (1583)

Once with the order of angels, and currently, high president of hell, Caym commands 30 legions. He appears in the form of a blackbird, a main coifed with a headdress & adorned with a peacock tail, or human carrying a tapering sword, & responds from the midst of a burning brazier. It is said that Caym is the most wise occupant of hell, and that he could outwit even the most seasoned logician. It was with him that Luther had his famous dispute from which he spared us the details. Caym teaches communication with animals and waves and knows of the future.


Cerberus was the three-headed watchdog with a serpent body that guarded the entrance to Hades in Greek/Roman mythology. He was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna. Hesiod describes him as
"Cerberus who eats raw meat, the hound of Hades with the voice of brass, fifty-headed, shameless and powerful" - Theogony 307

According to Homer, Hercules final task was to bring Cerberus up from the lower realms. Hercules descended into Hades accompanied by Mercury and Minerva. Pluto (Hades) granted him permission to take Cerberus provided he could do so without using weapons. Hercules encountered Cerberus near the gates of Acheron, one of the five rivers of the Underworld. Using only his strength, he wrestled Cerberus & was able to take him up to Eurystheus. As he struggled, his saliva dripped to the ground producing a poisonous plant called aconite (also known as 'hecateis,' because Hecate was the first to use it). It was also what Medea used to try to poison Theseus.
Besides Hercules, Orpheus was the only other person to attempt to go up against Cerberus. During his descent into Hades to bring his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead. In his journey, he soothed Cerberus to sleep with his lyre.
Virgil writes another account of Cerberus in the Aeneid when Aeneas accompanied by the Sibyl, the prophetess of Apollo, descended to the underworld to visit his father Anchises
"Grim Cerberus, who soon began to rear
His crested snakes, and arm'd his bristling hair.
The prudent Sibyl had before prepar'd
A sop, in honey steep'd, to charm the guard;
Which, mix'd with pow'rful drugs, she cast before
His greedy grinning jaws, just op'd to roar.
With three enormous mouths he gapes; and straight,
With hunger press'd, devours the pleasing bait.
Long draughts of sleep his monstrous limbs enslave;
He reels, and, falling, fills the spacious cave.
The keeper charm'd, the chief without delay
Pass'd on, and took th' irremeable way."
- Aeneid VI

Dante wrote in the Inferno (1307-1308 CE) that Cerberus tormented the souls of the Third Circle of Hell, where the gluttonous reside.
"Over the souls of those submerged beneath
That mess, is an outlandish, vicious beast,
His three throats barking, doglike: Cerberus.
His eyes are bloodred; greasy, black, his beard;
His belly bulges, and his hands are claws;
His talons tear and flay and render the shades."
- Dante's Inferno VI 13-18


Deumus/Deumo is the goddess of the Calicut in Malabar. She is really a devil adored under the name of Deumus. She wears a crown, has 4 horns on her head and 4 hooked yet strong teeth in her mouth. Her nose is pointed and hooked. Her feet are like a rooster, and she holds a soul between her claws which she seems ready to devour.


Eurynome is a superior demon and prince of death. He wears a fox skin to cover the sores covering his body, and he has huge teeth. A statue of him exists in the temple of Delphi depicting him having a black complexion, huge wolf-like teeth, and sitting on a vulture skin. Pausanias said he fed on carrion and dead bodies.


Flaga is a Scandinavian fairy, though some claim she was only a magician who rode on an eagle.


Grand-general of hell and commanding 20 legions, Flavros appeared as a leopard. In human form, he had a frightful face with burning eyes. He knows of the past/present/future, can turn demons and spirits against the exorcists.


Forcas/ Forras/ Furcas is a knight and high president of hell controlling 29 legions of demons. He appears as a man with a long beard and white hair, rides a horse, and carries a pointed dart. He teaches the virtues of herbs and precious stones, logic, esthetics, chiromancy, pyromancy, and rhetoric. He can make one invisible, ingenious, and articulate. He also can find lost things and discover treasures.


Furfur is a count of hell who rules 26 legions. He appears as an angel or a stag with a flaming tail and speaks only lies unless enclosed in a triangle. He speaks in a raucous voice. Furfur sustains marriage, can cause thunderstorms, and speaks on abstract things.


Ganga-Gramma is a feminine demon whom the Indians fear and thus offer great honors. He has four arms and holds a small bowl in his left hand and a three-pronged fork in his right. During processions, he was drawn on a chariot in great splendor and sometimes his fanatics would throw themselves under his wheels. Usually goats were sacrificed to him. During sickness or other dangers, he could be found among those who took an oath to him. If they recovered, they would honor Ganga-Gramma as follows.
"One sank down in a skin backed with hooks, by which means one was raised in the air; there they performed sleight-of-hand and cut capers before the spectators. When simple and credulous women, who were persuaded that this ceremony is agreeable to Ganga-Gramma and would cause them no harm, consented, then there was no time to change their minds before they were already in the air. The cries of the assistants stifled their complaints."
Another type of penitence in honor of Ganga-Gramma involved letting a string pass through the participant's chair. He would then dance while others pulled the string. After the ritual, a buffalo was sacrificed to him and the blood left in a vase next to Ganga-Gramma's image. The next day, it is claimed that the blood vanished. Some say instead of a buffalo, human victims were sacrificed.


Garuda is a fabulous bird often presented with the head of a handsome young man, the body of an eagle, and a white ring around the neck. He acts as a carrier for Vishnu similar to the eagle Jupiter used. Garuda was hatched from an egg from his mother, Diti, and has laid and brooded for 5 years.


A powerful duke of hell who commands 26 legions, Gomory appears as a woman with a ducal crown on his head and riding a camel. He knows of the past/present/future and can discover hidden treasures.


Haborym (aka Aym) is a fire demon and a duke of hell, who commands 26 legions. He appears holding a torch and riding a viper and he has 3 heads: a serpent, a man, and a cat. Some say he is the same as Raum.


Ipes/ Ayperos is a prince and count of hell, who commands 36 legions. He appears as an angel or lion with the head and feet of a goose and a short hair's tail. Ipes knows of the past and future, gives men intellect and courage, and can tell of hidden treasures.


Lamia is queen of Libya. She splits open pregnant women to devour the children developing inside. Her name is derived from lamias, the evil female demons with dragon heads at the end of their feet found in deserts. They are also known to haunt cemeteries, devouring the corpses and leaving nothing but bones.


Lechies were Russian demons that lived in the woods. They had human bodies from the waist up with the horns, ears, and beard of a she-goat. From the waist down, they had a goat's body. They would shrink themselves to the height of the grass when marching through fields, but would grow to the size of the tallest trees when they ran through the forest. They had horrible cries, but could imitate voices familiar to wanderers & could lure them back to their caves, where they would tickle them almost to death.


Другие изображения - There is mention of a "Master Leonard" in the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)

Often called "le Grand Negre" (The Black Man), Leonard is demon of the first order, grand master of the sabbaths, chief of the subaltern demons, and inspector general of sorcery, black magic and witchcraft. From the waist up, Leonard has a goat's body with 3 horns on his head, a goat's beard, hair-like bristles, 2 ears like foxes, and inflamed eyes. He also has a face on his butt, which witches kiss while holding a green candle to adore him. Leonard can take the form of a bloodhound, a beef, a black bird, or a tree trunk with a gloomy face. When he attends the sabbath, he has the feet of a goose, although experts claim that he has no feet when in tree trunk form. Leonard's attitude is reserved and melancholic, but when he appears at witch and devil assemblies, he is commanding and uses situations to his advantage.


According to some magicians, Lucifer rules over the East and commands the Europeans and the Asians. He is often referred to as the king of hell, and is superior to Satan according to some demonologists. He was evoked on Monday in the middle of a circle which contained his name and remained content when a mouse or venison-bit was offered to him. One says he is facetious, and that he often pulls witches off brooms on their journey to the Sabbath and gives them a ride on his shoulders. The witches of Moira in Sweden attested this in 1672. They also describe Lucifer as gray with blue arms and red culottes decorated with ribbons. Lucifer has the face of a beautiful young child, which changes to monstrous and inflamed when he is angry. According to some demonologists, he is a lover of justice in hell. He is also the first to be invoked in litanies of the Sabbath.


A grand-president of hell who governs 40 legions, Malphas appears as a raven, or in human form with a raucous voice. He builds citidels and impregnable towers, breaks down enemy barricades, finds good workers, gives familiars, and will receive sacrifices but deceive the sacrificers.


Mammon is the demon of avarice. Milton says he taught men to rend the breast of the earth to wrest away her treasures.


A great marquis of hell who commands 30 legions, Marchocias appears as a she-wolf with griffin wings and a serpent's tail, and spit flames. In human form, Marchocias appears as a grand soldier. He obeys exorcists and the domination of angels.


Melchom is the paymaster of civil servants in hell. He is known as the demon who carries the purse.


Moloch was the god of the Ammonites, portrayed as a bronze statue with a calf's head adorned with a royal crown and seated on a throne. His arms were extended to receive the child victims sacrificed to him. Milton wrote that Moloch was a frightening and terrible demon covered with mothers' tears and children's blood.
Rabbis claim that in the famous statue of Moloch, there were seven kinds of cabinets. The first was for flour, the second for turtle doves, the third for an ewe, the fourth for a ram, the fifth for a calf, the sixth for a beef, and the seventh for a child. It is because of this, Moloch is associated with Mithras and his seven mysterious gates with seven chambers. When a child was sacrificed to Moloch, a fire was lit inside the statue. The priests would then beat loudly on drums and other objects so that the cries would not be heard.


According to Scandinavian mythology, Odin takes on the name of Nickar or Hnickar when he acts as a destroyer. Under this name, he appears as a kelpie, the devil-horse of the Scots, & frequents the lakes & rivers of Scandinavia where he causes tempests, hurricanes, & hailstorms. On the Isle of Rugen, he likes to torment fisherman, upset their boats, and throw them almost to the tops of the highest fir trees. Nickar are descendants of the mermen and merwomen, the nixies of the Teutons, the most famous being the nymphs of the Elbe and of the Gaal. Before Christianity was adopted, the Saxons adored a feminine divinity, whose temple lies in Magdebourg or Megdeburch (city of the young lady). She would appear with a basket under her arm, graceful & proper, and at first glance, one could mistake her for the daughter of a good bourgeois. However, a small corner of her apron always remained wet, as a reminder of her aquatic origin. The English sailors are known call the devil "Old Nick."


Nybbas is of the inferior order, high upper gallery of hell. He also manages visions & dreams. He is regarded as a buffoon and a charlatan.


High prince of hell, Orobos commands 20 legions. He appears in the form of a beautiful horse or as a man, who speaks of the divine essence. He knows of the past/present/future, can discover falsehoods, grants favors and help, and can reconcile enemies.


Paymon is a king of hell who governs 200 legions, half of them from the Angelic Order, and half from the Order of Powers. He appears as a man with a woman's face riding a dromedary, and crowned with a headdress made with precious stones. If Paymon is evoked by sacrifice or libation, he may appear accompanied by Bebal and Abalam.


Picollus was revered by the ancient inhabitants of Prussia. He was offered the head of a dead man and a tallow was burned in his honor. He would appear to important people during their last days. If he was not appeased, he would appear a second and finally a third time, when only human blood would mollify him.


As high prince and grand duke of hell, Pruflas/Busas commands 26 legions. In Babylon, where he shall reign, he has the head of an owl. Pruflas facilitates quarrels and wars, provokes discord, and generates poverty. He will respond to all he is asked to do.


Rahovart is a demon whom little is known. He is referenced in Morality, about the evil and stingy rich, which was printed at Rouen by Durzel and is undated. In this account, which plays out to the end of the 15th century, Rahovart is Satan's companion. Rahovart carries a basket that contains the soul of the curmudgeon when he is dead.


Ribesal, aka Rubezal, is a specter at the summit of the Risemberg, according to the people of Silesia. He is responsible for suddenly covering the mountain with clouds and he excites tempers.


As marquis and count of hell, Ronwe controls 19 legions. He appears in the form of a monster and teaches languages.


As duke and high marquis of hell, Scox/Chax commands 30 legions. He appears as a stork with a raucous voice, and is known to be deceitful. He steals horses, and takes the silver in the houses he possesses only to return it 1200 years later if everything is still in order. If he is confined to a triangle, he will speak truth on supernatural matters, point out hidden treasures not guarded by evil spirits, and obey the exorcist. If he is not confined, he will lie and not always obey the exorcist.


Stolas is a high prince of hell commanding 26 legions. He appears as an owl or as a man who teaches astronomy, the properties of plants, and the worth of precious stones


Tap/Gaap is a high president and prince of hell, commanding 4 of the principal kings and 60 legions, and as powerful as Byleth. He also has an empire over those demons Amaymon commands. He appears in human form at noon, and is said to intensify the passions of love and hatred, and can transport men to different countries. Earlier necromancers invoked Tap by spells composed by King Solomon, but that is not true, as it was Noah's son, Cham, who first began evoking evil spirits. The necromancers also offered him libations and holocausts. Tap was made to serve Byleth by composing a book of mathematics. If the exorcist knows of the art of Byleth, Gaap will not cooperate. Another book attributed to the prophets Eli and Elijah states that Gaap can be conjured by virtue of the saints' names of God listed in the Key of Solomon.


Torngarsuk is the chief and most powerful supernatural being in Greenland. He appears in the form of a bear, a one-armed man, or as a grand human creature like one of the fingers of the hand. Torngarsuk is invoked by fishermen and by the Anguekkoks (the medicine men) when one falls ill. There are other spirits invisible to everyone but the Anguekkok, who teach how to be happy when the Anguekkok call upon them. Each Anguekkok keeps a familiar spirit in a lether bottle which he evokes & consults like an oracle.


Ukobach is a demon of an inferior order who maintains the oil in the infernal boilers. Some call him the inventor of frying and fireworks. He appears with a blazing body.


Volac is high-president of hell and commands 30 legions. He appears as a child with angel's wings and riding on a two-headed dragon. He tells of the positions of the planets and where to find serpents.

Wall (Uvall)

Once of the order of Powers, Wall is a great and powerful duke, who commands 36 legions. He appears as a tall and terrible dromedary or as a human who speaks Egyptian. He knows of the past/present/future.


Xaphan is a demon of the second order with an inventive spirit and a bellows as an emblem. During the rebellion in heaven, he proposed to set heaven on fire. He was thrown into the abyss with the other rebels & fans the flames of the furnaces with his mouth and hands.


Yan-gant-y-tan wanders the nights in Finistere and is considered an evil omen among the Bretons. He holds five candles on his five fingers, which he is able to turn quickly.


Zaebos is grand-count of Hell and sweet of character. He appears as a good soldier with a ducal crown on his head and rides a crocodile.

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